yesterday the weirdest thing happened to me. I was walking with my friend Zoe and there were a crown of guys, so I decided to walk in the other direction,but as we were walking these two guys our age- coming from the direction we were heading in- approached us. Let me reenact the scene for you:
guy: Hey, nice badges
(FYI I had on two blue peter badges)
me: what?
guy: Did anyone tell you you look like the Mona Lisa?
gorgeous! I can't describe it. You look just like the Mona Lisa, A masterpiece, you're really pretty...(etc. ect)
Can I have your number?
me: Sorry I don't have a phone...
Zoe: Oh yeah.... we were meant to go over there
(then we turn around and start walking in the other direction but he follows us)
guy: alright, let me walk you
me: no, we'e okay. but thanks
(we turn around and try and walk in the other direction)
guy: I know you don't have a phone, but can I have a hug?
and I'll leave you alone
(I gave him a two second hug and he walks away)
This is by far the weirdest thin that has happened to me. Lol! even more awkward than when one of my guy friends said 'Your skinny, you could be a model'. Actually, that really got me thinking...
P.S. DON'T EVER, and I can't stress this enough, EVER!!! Talk to a STRANGER! REMEMBER STRANGER DANGER!
Anyway, I've got another quote and picture for you all,
Expect problems and eat them for breakfast.
Alfred A. Montapert
Alfred A. Montapert
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