Sunday 31 August 2014

To all you Newbies

Hey guys,

For all of you Newbies starting secondary school, or as the Americans like to call it (I think) high school, good luck. It's probably going to be the first year of hell because you're all going to be the youngest students there, which means that you don't really have a say in anything. But don't worry, I've got some cool survival tips for starting out -trust me, if I learnt anything from watching the Nickelodeon show 'Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide' it's how to give good advice.

1. Okay, the very first thing you have to think about is first impressions. This is very crucial because until proven otherwise, people are going to judge you based on their first impression of you. This could be positive "you're that kid that pulled a prank on mr ____ on the first day! Dude you're awesome" or negative "dude, that's that kid that wet herself". So be careful

2. Don't allow yourself to get pushed around. By this I don't mean be a bully or anything, I just mean that you shouldn't let people think that they can call you names or bully you. Stand your ground and squash that behavior before it turns into anything you can't undo. Like having an embarrassing nickname e.g. "Sir Farts a lot" Idk, you understand the point I'm trying to make.

3.The very last thing you want to do is blend into the crowd. Be yourself and you'll be able to maintain it, don't try and change who you are just to fit in with the crowd. True friends will accept you for who you really are. After all, you don't really stay friends with the people you first make friends with when you're new, unless you're like me and you meet someone who is too cool to let go of (I'm talking about you K. Cherad :p).

4. As cliche as this sounds...Always be yourself. Seriously, if you don't it wont end well for you. For example, if you want people to think f you as that fashionable, designer brand wearing person, people are going to hold you to that standard and if that's not who you really are, you're going to end up slipping up and you won't be able to maintain it. If you're really a 'plain-Jane' type of person, just embrace it. Your personality should cover everything else.

5.Have fun! Now's the time to let loose. Year 7&8 should be the funnest years of your secondary lives. Year seven in the year that you can get  away with everything because you are "New and naive" whilst year 8 is when you have the tiniest bit of authority because you are no longer at the bottom of the school. Year 9 is when the teachers start to get a little stricter because "your GCSEs start next year" and, well, we all know that there's no time to play around when you reach years 10 and 11. If you're still messing around at that stage, I wish you luck. Now I'm blabbing, my point is...Remember to have as much fun as you can, whilst you can.

Anyway, I've got another quote and picture for you all,

"Good company makes life worth living"-Jess Quaynor

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