Tuesday 2 September 2014

Mychelles Baketique

Hey guys,

This Saturday I attended a Teen Blogger Meet-up at Hyde park (Post about this soon) and the hostesses (http://www.realityleaveslotstoimagination.blogspot.co.uk/ and http://life-of-georgie.blogspot.co.uk/) of the event were kind enough to hand out goody bags to all of the TBloggers. So I thought I would use this as an opportunity to try something a little different. This week on my blog I'm attempting to do a themed week. This means that every day (at 8:00pm) of this week (excluding Monday because it's already passed) I'm going to post something relevant to the theme I choose. This weeks theme is: Review. This just means that all week I'm going to be reviewing (giving my opinion on) a few products that I've recently come into contact with. 

Today, we focus on a brand called Mychelle's Baketique. They specialize in preparing custom cupcakes  and cakes. To be honest, I had never crossed paths with the brand until the TBlogger meet-up, but I'm really glad I have because the cup-cake they gave us tasted amazing. 

Please ignore my photography skills, I took these with my phone, but I'm currently on the search for a camera (so if you could please leave some recommendations in the comment section below, that would be awesome). As you can see the packaging is quite simplistic, I actually quite like the packaging. I think the simplicity of it is cute. Something you could put in a heart-felt gift basket or even something you can gift to your mum. Imagine a whole basket of those cute, wrapped cupcakes, waiting for her with a card and teddy bear on mothers day.

 I'm not sure of the exact name of the Mini Cupcakes they gifted us, so if anyone can find that out (and maybe try it?) that would be great. Oh and the cupcake itself was delicious. I'm no cupcake expert or anything, but this really did tick all of the boxes, you know: moist, sweet, aesthetically pleasing and tasty. Fr me, that's pretty much all a cupcake needs to be a success.
If you don't want to take my word for it, just go to their site http://baketique.com/index.php?route=common/home order and try some of their cakes for yourself. They also have a Blog http://blog.baketique.com/  that you should also go and check out.

Anyway, I've got another quote and picture for you all,

“Life's meant to be sweet! Grab a cupcake and enjoy the ride!” 

― Kimmie EasleySouls Set Free

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